What would happen? Could it really be fixed? I was really worried, but the bamboo fish basket repair is now complete. The broken weave of the main body and bottom have been repaired with an unbelievable beauty. It is no exaggeration to say that the bamboo basket has been given a new life. I am very satisfied with the finished product, which looks like it has been reborn. The skilled bamboo craftsmen are truly amazing.
What was particularly great this time was how well the tiger bamboo pattern matches the old bamboo strips that have discoloured over time. The bamboo strips have been joined and woven together to create a very natural finish. If you look closely, you can see the distinctive tiger bamboo colouring, which looks really cool.
The opening of the basket is also wrapped with new bamboo. I hope you will enjoy watching the white bamboo skin change to a deeper colour over the years.
In fact, this fish basket has already been delivered to the customer. We wanted everyone to see the beautiful finished product as soon as possible, but we received the following feedback from customers who received it.
I was surprised when I opened the box. I am very grateful that the repair was done so carefully and with care. Thank you very much. I have been doing Western fly fishing since I was young, and the rods I use are wonderful rods made from Tonkin bamboo by an American rod maker several decades ago. That is why I have fallen in love with the charm of bamboo and am one of the people who have benefited from it, so I am very happy to have had this opportunity. When spring comes, I will be able to enjoy stream fishing again with the fish basket hanging from my waist and the bamboo rod in my hand.
(Customer Feedback)
The season in which the repaired fish basket will come in handy, and there is one more thing to look forward to when waiting for spring.
One of the best things about bamboo is that it is highly workable and can be used for a long time with some repairs. No matter how strong and sturdy a bamboo craft is, the more you like it, the more likely it is to be used every day, so after ten or twenty years of keeping it, it can become damaged. This is when repairs become necessary, but unlike in the past, there are fewer bamboo craftsmen, and many people seem to have trouble repairing broken baskets. That's why we at TAKETORA are working to repair bamboo baskets all over the country.
If the person who made the basket is there, it may be easy to have it repaired. However, with most old bamboo products, it is difficult to know who made them and where they were made. Active craftsmen are reluctant to do work made by other bamboo craftsmen because it is cheap compared to the amount of work required.
However, this bamboo fish basket is so broken that not only ordinary bamboo craftsmen, but even us, would hesitate to pick it up. Not only is there a large hole in the main weave, but the bottom weave has completely fallen out, allowing you to see through to the other side.
The entrance to the basket is also in a terrible state. It must have originally been made from young, soft bamboo that had been tightly wrapped with thin strips of bamboo that had had their bark peeled off, but it is unrecognizable. The only thing that can be done is to rewind it. How can a fish basket that at first glance seems hopeless like this be repaired? Stay tuned for tomorrow's 30th anniversary blog, "The Fourth Generation of Taketora is on the Move!"