ちょうど竹虎では只今、8月に開かれる第11回世界竹会議(11th World Bamboo Congress Mexico)に向けた挑戦をしている最中でもあります。この竹会議とは3年に一度、世界各地に会場を移して開催される国際会議で竹の専門家500名が集う、世界の竹の祭典です。1年前に基調講演の招待をいただいて以来ずっと続けてきた日本唯一の虎竹電気自動車「竹トラッカー」輸送計画は、今週水曜日のクラウドファンディング最終日で一応のフィナーレと言いますか節目を迎える事になります。
Dear Yoshihiro Yamagishi,
It is with great pleasure that I write to you today, to invite you as a keynote speaker at the 11th World Bamboo Congress, to be held next August 2018, in the state of Veracruz, in the city of Xalapa, Mexico.
I appreciate your acceptance of my invitation via Messenger, however please consider this the official invitation. Given your leading role in promoting bamboo utilization in Japan via Tiger Bamboo, quality bamboo products and the symbol of hope with the electric Tiger Bamboo Car, we hope to hear your story of how bamboo makes a difference, your business mission, and what you hope for the future of bamboo.
All the details of the Congress will be found here, www.worldbamboocongress.org, after 1 August 2017.We are eager to confirm our keynotes to help with publicity for the event, and garner enthusiasm for attending. We do not have the funds to pay for the ransportation of the car,but please let me know how we can help find sponsorship.
Please let me know what you require in order to be with us. Please provide us with the title of your talk,and your biography that can be accompany our promotion of your participation.
Each World Bamboo Congress is positioned as a catalyst for dissemination of the most current scientific and field research information available worldwide in order to promote the sustainable and realistic utilization of bamboo for myriad of potentials, as well as to effectively promote the expansion of speciesspecific bamboo plantations for regional production and modern opportunities.I sincerely look forward to having you as a keynote.
Susanne Lucas
まっこと(本当に)有難いことに、RKC高知放送さんに取材にお越しいただきました。この8月、第11回世界竹会議(11th World Bamboo Congress Mexico)メキシコにお招き頂いていますので自然とお話しはその事となります。世界から集まる竹専門家の皆様に「日本唯一の虎竹」を説明するのには、言葉よりも、竹そのものをご覧いただきたいと思いました。